ENS Paris-Saclay Centre Borelli

Reproducible research project

MVA course

Miguel Colom

About this course

This is an MVA course about writing a reproducible edition of a scientific work. It can be considered the practical follow up of the MVA course Fundamentals of reproducible research and free software, although both courses are independent. It consists of a tutored project which includes reading in detail a scientific article, the implementation of the method, publication of a complete scientific report associated with the source code, and the creation of an online demonstration in the IPOL demo system. The students are free to pick which article to publish if a reproducible version has not already been published. Note that submitting an article to IPOL is not required to validate this course. Only if the quality of the research is particularly outstanding, the students will be encouraged to do so.

Each day all groups will make a presentation of their work (the article and demo) of a maximum of 10 minutes, to report on their progress, explain the difficulties they are facing, and to get feedback from the responsible of the course and all the students.

Objectives of the course

Specifically, the students are expected to


Each group must deliver a reproducible article as a complete pre-print in IPOL's style, including the article itself, the source code, any associated data, and an online demo.



From 14:30h to 17:30h.
At Room 2E34, ENS Paris-Saclay.
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